Companies hiring gophers (sorted by company name)

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Backend Engineer, Developer SDKs, Golang expert, San Francisco, California, United States (Remote possible)

Senior Software Engineer, Burlingame, California, United States (Remote possible)

Sumo Logic
SWE-2 Open Source/ Open Telemetry Collection, Redwood City, California, United States (Remote possible)

Backend Software Engineer, Berlin, Germany

Senior Software Engineer, San Francisco, California, United States (Remote possible)

Senior Software Engineer Go, blockchain, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Remote possible)

Swarm Foundation
QA Engineer (Go, blockchain, distributed system), Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Remote possible)

Torchinsky Executive Search
Lead Golang Developer in Dubai ( real-time, high load network applications development), Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Senior Go and JavaScript Engineer, Reykjavik, Iceland (Remote possible)

Senior Golang Developer, Melbourne, Australia

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