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Don't just take our word for it:

Photo Ryan Chartrand @ X-TeamLogo X-Team

"Golangprojects is easily the #1 job board for finding senior level Go developers."
Ryan Chartrand,
CEO @ X-Team

Photo Sven Hezel @ 24MetricsLogo 24Metrics

"As a company dedicated to Go, we knew for long the struggle of finding good talent in such a niche area. Once we started using Golangprojects, the struggle belonged to the past"
Sven Hezel,
Managing Director @ 24Metrics

Photo Andrew Hill @ Textile.ioLogo

"Golangprojects gave us the ability to reach and connect with many high-quality Golang engineers, locally and around the world. The service gave us the ability to find a candidate that was the perfect fit for our team."
Andrew Hill,
Co-founder / CEO @

Photo Aviv Eyal @ SpacemeshLogo Spacemesh

"Golangprojects is the best way to find great golang talent, period. We tried everything under the sun - open source bounties, pricey recruiting agencies, investors job boards, and more... and nothing beats the number and the quality of candidates we got. I highly recommend Golang for every hiring manager out there, especially due to the low-risk involved due to the very reasonable pricing."
Aviv Eyal,
Founder / CPO @ Spacemesh

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