Senior Software Engineer - Golang, TDD, Ruby, Automation, Microservices
Located in: 🇺🇸
United States ›
Colorado ›
Looking for: Permanent / Freelance
- Can work remotely
I am a passionate engineer who has improved efficiency by thinking outside the project. I have team lead experience, having led four other developers in the re-architecture/rewrite of a business-critical enterprise application from a monolith to microservices. I worked to remove roadblocks by developing tools to accelerate the work. I am DevOps minded, having experience with PaaS offerings like Cloud Foundry, IaaS like AWS and vSphere, Continuous integration with Concourse CI and Jenkins, as well as much automation experience.
Golang, Ruby, Shell Script, TDD
Architecture, Full Software Lifecycle, Automation, API Design
Cloud Foundry, vSphere, AWS
What I look for
I am looking to further my career in Go. I am mostly interested in cloud technologies that solve a unique and interesting problem.
Denver, CO
Boulder, CO
How to contact me
Please contact me with LinkedIn
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